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48 results:
… (Bundestag) annually on the situation of unaccompanied foreign-born minors in Germany (see BMFSFJ, 2023). (Temporary) taking into custody is one of the “other child and youth services tasks” (Article 2 [3])…
… 14 1,033 13.3 901 11.8 Source: Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) 2023: Subject-Matter-Series 1 Series 2.2, p. 38; own calculations Refugee minors  Refugee minors very…
… (2020): Familie heute. Daten. Fakten. Trends. Familienreport 2020. Berlin (last accessed: 10 July 2023). Statistisches Bundesamt: Auszug aus dem Datenreport 2021: Familie, Lebensformen und Kinder…
… 2021 in cooperation with researchers and experts in child and youth services. Last updated: August 2023. The information system of child and youth services in Germany has a modular structure. You can go…
… (16%) in facilities. Further reading Arbeitsstelle Kinder- und Jugendhilfestatistik (AKJStat) (2023): Monitor Hilfen zur Erziehung 2023 – Datenbasis 2021 (last accessed 1 August 2023). Schönecker,…
… The federal government fulfils its duty in this regard largely via the Child and Youth Plan. In 2023 the federal budget earmarked around €233 million for the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior…
… had no vocational education. Further reading Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung BIBB (ed.) (2023): Datenreport zum Berufsbildungsbericht 2023. Informationen und Analysen zur Entwicklung der beruflichen…
… 2018. It is not yet possible to identify long-term trends from the statistics available as of mid-2023. It remains to be seen whether the number of services and corresponding uptake will return to…
… to 20 years, and 1,278 male and 45 female detainees were aged 21 or over (Deutsches Jugendinstitut, 2023, p. 21). While tasks performed by JGH/JuHiS are not noticeably different from those of child and youth…
… specifics are regulated in the federal state laws. Further reading Bundesnetzwerk Ombudschaft (2023): Informationen, Gutachten, Stellungnahmen (last accessed: 10 June 2023). Forum Erziehungshilfen…
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