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110 results:
Gender differences affecting life circumstances Despite (ostensible) efforts to establish equal opportunities and equality in Germany, gender remains a key determinant of structural disparity. Most…
"Youth milieus" in Germany: similarities and differences Like in other Western industrialised nations, there is no one single experience of youth in Germany. In fact, there are huge variations in…
Children, young people and young persons that have attained full age Child and youth services uses information on the environments and life circumstances of children, young people and young persons…
Erläuterung The number of families in Germany has been in decline for the past two decades, from around 13.2 million families in 1996 to 11.9 million in 2022. There were 8.45 million families with…
Notes 84.35 million people lived in Germany on 31 December 2022. Nearly one in five was below the age of 20 and over one in four was over the age of 60, compared with over one in five in 1999. The…
Structure and overview Notes Child and youth services in Germany encompasses various – at first glance very different – areas of work with children, adolescents, young adults and their parents: …
Socio-educational support services Legal basis of socio-educational support services Support service planning Types of socio-educational support services Non- and semi-residential…
ENG - Was ist das 'Infosystem Kinder- und Jugendhilfe in Deutschland'? The information system explains child and youth services in Germany in a clear and comprehensible way. It is aimed at…
Guiding principles and procedural principles Subsidiarity and overall responsibility Key concepts and terms in child and youth services Principles of action in child and youth services …
The French version of the "Information System Child and Youth Services in Germany" was translated in cooperation with the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO). The Russian version of the…
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