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110 results:
Child and youth services and the judicial system The youth welfare office is obliged to participate regularly in hearings on matters of family law before the family court and hearings pertaining to…
Child and youth services and material security In Germany it falls to the job centres to safeguard material security for people of working age (15–65 years) whose incomes fail to reach the…
Child and youth services and healthcare The medical care system in Germany is large and complex, and comprises three main areas: Outpatient medical care provided by doctors in local clinics. In…
Child and youth services and the labour authority In Germany, school-leavers generally prepare to enter working life by way of either a study programme or practical vocational training (“dual…
Child and youth services and cooperation with schools Under Germany's federal structure, responsibility for school education resides with the 16 federal states (Länder), which pass state education…
Child and youth services – interfaces of cooperation Far from being a standalone field, child and youth services forms part of a social action system that intersects with many other service…
Disabilities Under Article 2 (1) of Book 9 of the Social Code (SGB IX), a person has a disability if they have a physical, psychological, intellectual or sensory impairment that, in…
Migration and displacement 83.1 million people were resident in Germany in 2020. Foreign nationals in Germany 11.2 million foreign nationals were living in Germany at the end of…
Poverty Poverty is principally understood to be a lack of resources and opportunities for people to live and shape their lives in a way that would ordinarily be possible based on the historical…
Erläuterung Social inequality arises where social commodities (such as level of education or income) or the living conditions (e.g., housing conditions) of people are for social reasons permanently…
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