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17 results:
… in on the services that affect them. Further reading Knauer, Reingard/Sturzenhecker, Benedikt (2016): Demokratische Partizipation von Kindern. Weinheim and Basel. Pluto, Liane (2007): Partizipation in…
… to growth in recent years due to rising birth rates and higher immigration levels in 2015 and 2016. Young people in Germany attain full age at 18. Under-18s are classed as minors and comprise the…
… was also a long period of significant growth in the number of single-parent households prior to 2016, after which the figures dropped slightly. At the same time, the share of working parents with young…
… des Kindeswohls zwischen Jugendämtern und Familiengerichten, Weinheim and Basel. Höynck, Theresia (2016): Jugendhilfe im Strafverfahren/Jugendgerichtshilfe, in: Schröer, Wolfgang/Struck, Norbert/Wolff,…
… Kooperation in Betreuung und Versorgung, Weinheim and Basel. Mall Volker/Friedmann, Anna (eds.) (2016): Frühe Hilfen in der Pädiatrie, Heidelberg. Child and youth services and healthcare Child and youth…
… meet the needs of all those they serve. Further reading Grunwald, Klaus/Thiersch, Hans (eds.) (2016): Praxishandbuch Lebensweltorientierte Sozialer Arbeit. Handlungszugänge und Methoden in…
… revised edition, Weinheim and Munich. Schröer, Wolfgang/Struck, Norbert/Wolff, Mechthild (eds.) (2016): Handbuch Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. 2nd edition, Weinheim and Munich.
… different forms of support (Article [2] sentence 2). Further reading Düring, Diana et al. (Hrsg.) (2016): Kritisches Glossar – Hilfen zur Erziehung, Frankfurt/M. Moch, Matthias (2018): Hilfen zur Erziehung.…
… In: Merchel, Joachim (ed.): Handbuch ASD. 3rd edition, Munich, p. 159−171. Schweitzer, Helmuth (2016): Migration und Integration. In: Schröer, Wolfgang/Struck, Norbert/Wolff, Mechthild (eds.): Handbuch…
… Recht der Finanzierung von Leistungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Baden-Baden. Struck, Norbert (2016): Finanzierung. In: Schröer, Wolfgang/Struck, Norbert/Wolff, Mechthild (eds.): Handbuch Kinder- und…
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